Weekly Report on ONEROOT Project

4 min readNov 30, 2018



1. ONEROOT officially settled in APBC and Tony Sun delivered a speech

On the Occasion that ONEROOT officially settled in the APBC Park, the Foundation Chairman Tony Sun delivered a wonderful speech in the road show hall, reviewing the original intention of ONEROOT’s creation and the amazing achievements made by the team since its establishment a year ago — ONEROOT has rapidly grown into a top technology company in Asia’s blockchain industry, and has conducted in-depth cooperation with the world’s top transaction platforms. In the future, the team will continue to build a solid infrastructure for the whole industry through R1 protocol, DDEX, and RNC public chain.

2. RNT is listed on U8 Exchange

At 14:00 on November 13, RNT got listed on the U8 Exchange and opened RNT/ETH transaction pairs. U8 is a “de-shitcoin” digital asset exchange built by senior experts in the blockchain field in conjunction with the community to truly connect industry applications. As an innovative digital currency transaction platform, U8.com is committed to opening up a new eco-operation mode and positioning itself as the exchange platform anchoring the mining.

3. The version of Bithumb DEX for IOS has been launched on App Store

The Bithumb DEX for IOS has been launched on App Store China this week and can be downloaded by Apple users. The Bithumb DEX is a highly distributed DEX based on Ethereum, which is jointly built by Bithumb and ONEROOT. Its core is R1 protocol developed by ONEROOT. With beautiful interfaces, security, rich functions and excellent interaction design, this App is easy to use, greatly reducing the threshold for using DEX.

4. APBC hosted the closed meeting and Tony Sun was invited to attend

On November 15, APBC hosted a closed meeting on “Regulatory Arbitrage and the STO Paradox”, co-chaired by Coinlist CEO Andy Bromberg, TrueUSD Co-founder Stephen Keda, Primitive Ventures Co-founder Dovey Wan, and Primitive Ventures Co-founder Eric Meltzerand. Tony Sun was invited to attend.

5. 0xbitcoin got listed on Rootrex

On November 13, 0xbitcoin got listed on Rootrex, and started the transaction at 14: 00. 0xBitcoin or 0xBTC is the first ERC20 token with the advantages of both Bitcoin and Ethereum, sharing all use cases, attributes and value propositions of Bitcoin, and benefiting from the increasing speed, scalability and functionality of the Ethereum platform.

6. Technical progress


[R1 Optimization] Reconstruction of asset separation records of merchant users

[R1 Optimization] Support for mass airdrops

[R1 Background] Reconstruction of R1 Background Gas fees Statistics

[R1 Background] Reconstruction of R1 Background User Statistics

[R1 Background] Reconstruction of R1 Background Dashboard

Commit: 75


[ROOTREX WEB Function] Added Nov. 15 airdrop activity page

[ROOTREX WEB Optimization] Optimized the authorization popup windows in MetaMask privacy mode

[ROOTREX WEB Optimization] Optimized the display effect of Candlestick graph

[ROOTREX WEB BUG Fix] Fixed the update time in the announcement details

[ROOTREX MOBILE BUG Fix] Fixed the default GasPrice problem when transferring and depositing

[APBC MOBILE Function] Added the company address book function

[APBC MOBILE Function] Added the meeting room quick reservation function

[APBC MOBILE Optimization] Optimized the display style of login page and supported small screen devices such as iPhone SE

[APBC MOBILE Optimization] Optimized the display effect of business cards

[APBC MOBILE Optimization] Optimized the display effect when the interface is called

Web Commit: 22

App Commit: 31


[Channel Background Use Case Execution] Transaction related functional test and regression testing in Channel background

[ROOTREX MOBILITY Use Case Execution] Transaction related regression testing in mobile terminal

[Channel Background Use Case Execution] Non-transaction related functional test and regression testing in Channel background

[ROOTREX MOBILITY Use Case Execution] Non-transaction related regression test in mobile terminal


ONEROOT telegram: https://t.me/OneRootProject_EN

ONEROOT project: https://www.oneroot.io

R1 protocol: https://www.r1protocol.com

Rootrex DEX: https://www.rootrex.com

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/onerootofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneRootNetwork

Medium: https://medium.com/@oneroot

Weibo: http://suo.im/5jj05M

Official QQ group: 6644849

Official WeChat account: oneroot_admin



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