1. Bitcoin’s price is turning bullish as Ethereum options traders accumulate half a million of ETH options for December expiration. Bitcoin (BTC, +0.04%) trading around $13,519 as of 20:00 UTC (4 p.m. ET). Gaining 2.6% over the previous 24 hours, which trading range was between $13,105 and $13,649.
2. According to the ChainNews, PoolTogether announced the addition of two BTC prize pools, namely renBTC and tBTC tokens issued based on the Keep Network. The PoolTogether V3 version was officially launched on October 23. The new version adds a variety of revenue growth sources including liquidity mining, supports lottery-based rewards, supports a variety of different types of assets, revenue sources and prize pool strategies and a series of functions. Among them, the newly added PoolTogether Build function is a developer tool that allows developers to customize any ERC-20 token prize pool and deploy their own prize pool strategy. This custom gameplay brings various possibilities to the ecology and allows various the long tail prize pool is voluntarily deployed on PoolTogether.
3. DeFi agreement Harvest Finance tweeted that the compensation voting for USDC/USDT depositors has ended. 71.93% of voting users support the creation of a tradable IOU token for compensation and have their own Uniswap market. The next vote will focus on the Uniswap market for IOU tokens (IOU/FARM or IOU/USDC). On October 26, the Harvest Finance project was hacked. As the attackers repeatedly used the impermanent losses of USDC and USDT in the Y pool on Curve.fi to manipulate cash, a total loss of about 33.8 million U.S. dollars. The attackers used USDT and USDC to obtain the form returned more than 2.47 million US dollars.
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