1. Bitcoin’s price has hung around $22,400-$22,800 after Thursday’s momentous spot volume day while brand-name DeFi protocols have the lion’s share of the market for locked crypto. Bitcoin (BTC) trading around $22,783 as of 21:00 UTC (4 p.m. ET). Gaining 0.68% over the previous 24 hours, which trading range was between $22,357-$23,261. Bitcoin is currently in the price discovery stage, but the possibility of falling to $18,500 in the short term cannot be ruled out.
2. According to the ChainNews, the algorithmic stable currency Frax Finance’s shield mining on Cover Protocol has started. Frax has allocated 20,000 FXS to Cover Protocol’s CLAIM pool and 80,000 FXS to NOCLAIM pool.
3. According to BlockBeats news, on December 21, the smart contract platform Flare Networks has determined the final amount of Spark (FLR) tokens to be airdropped. The platform announced last month that it will issue FLR tokens to XRP holders holding funds in cryptocurrency exchanges or wallets participating in the airdrop at the beginning of the month. Flare Networks is a blockchain company that is creating a system to help blockchain interact with XRP. XRP is the third largest cryptocurrency launched in 2018 by the San Francisco-based crypto company Ripple. According to Flare’s blog post on Friday, when the company took a snapshot of the XRP blockchain on December 11, Flare will issue 45,827,728,412 FLR tokens to holders of XRP in qualified wallets or trading platforms.
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